Biofeedback for Stress Management

Neurofeedback for Executive Control & Self-Regulation Since each person’s brain is different, the changes that result from brain exercise vary from person to person. In general, we recommend having 10 to 20 sessions sessions per symptom, spaced out once or twice weekly. The results you may expect from brain training include: the ability to process […]
Neurofeedback for Executive Control and Self-Regulaton

Neurofeedback for Executive Control & Self-Regulation Since each person’s brain is different, the changes that result from brain exercise vary from person to person. In general, we recommend having 10 to 20 sessions sessions per symptom, spaced out once or twice weekly. The results you may expect from brain training include: the ability to process […]
Peak Performance with HEG Neurofeedback Training

Peak Performance with HEG Neurofeedback Training HEG neurofeedback affords you the opportunity to strengthen your innate abilities and perform at your best. Improvements can be noted in one or more of the following areas: Success at achieving goals:Your prefrontal cortex (PFC) is part of your brain that allows you to formulate and achieve goals. Frontal […]
How to Use HEG/The Basics

HEG NEUROFEEDBACK BASICS HEG refers to a type of biofeedback. It’s hard to describe. I’ll try to simplify it. You can go to the horses mouth here. Here’s how it works: -you wear a special headband that emits red lights; one infrared, the other visible. -the lightwaves penetrate the skull, and then bounce back towards the […]
HEG Training Tips

I learned the truth of an old management maxim: If you want to change something, pay attention to it. I learned the truth of an old management maxim: If you want to change something, pay attention to it. Here’s the question I ask first: Do you believe you’ll need to see “data” to know whether […]
Special Thanks to These Biofeedback Titans
Jeff Carmen, Ph.D. Jeannette Tries, Ph.D. Marquette University Hal Myers, Ph.D. Thought Technology Canada Stephen Stern Stens Biofeedback Corporation California Tom Collura, Ph.D. Brain Master Technologies Ohio Joe Kamia, Ph.D. The Father of Neurofeedback Erik Peper,Ph.D. Institute for Holistic Health StudiesSan Francisco State […]
COVID-19 Anxiety Syndrome: Biofeedback Can Help

A twelve-year-old girl is taken through a drive-through restaurant with her grandpa to get her food without ever exiting the vehicle. Upon arriving home, she runs straight to the bathroom with her mask still on and jumps in the shower with her clothes still on. While she removes her clothes she begins to furiously wash […]
How Can Neuromeditation Help You?

Group Meditation Increases Coherence In July 2018, twelve Thai boys and their soccer coach were trapped for more than two weeks in a flooded cave during a trip intended to last just an afternoon. Their rescue attracted global attention and an international team of experts. When divers finally discovered the victims, they were amazed to […]
Biofeedback Pioneer – Hershel Toomim Sc.D.

IN MEMORIAM Hershel Toomim Sc.D. HISTORY OF BIOFEEDBACK AND NEUROFEEDBACKThe Hershel Toomim Story David Siever, CETMind-Alive, Inc., Edmonton, Alberta, Canada Keywords: Hershel Toomim, biography, neurotechnology, biofeedbackThe author summarizes the life of Hershel Toomim, a gifted inventor, proponent of biofeedback and self-regulation, husband, father, and humanitarian. Throughout the past several decades, Hershel Toomim has taken a […]
Biofeedback Pioneer – Marjorie Toomim, Ph.D.
In Memorium Marjorie Toomim: A Remembrance M. R. Smith Researcher and therapist, Biofeedback Institute of Los Angeles, 1983-1993 Address all correspondence to: Originally published in Psychophysiology today – the magazine for mind-body medicine © by BFE 9 Vol. 2 – Issue 1/2006 The Career of Marjorie Toomim Marjorie Toomim, Ph.D., died on January 18, 2005. […]